Grant Writing Workshop Wednesday, April 22nd from 1-4PM
The Community Garden Network's Grantwriting 101 workshop is coming back for a 3rd round due to popular demand on Wednesday April 22nd from 1-4pm. We will offer this workshop online through the Google Meet virtual meeting platform. In order to ensure that everyone who wants to participate is able to receive the link, please RSVP for this workshop no later than Monday April 20th. Participants will need access to a computer for this workshop for optimal participation, as the workshop will be utilizing visual slides. This free workshop will offer tools for beginners, and even intermediate grant writers will learn some helpful tips.
Please RSVP Here if you plan on attending or visit our Facebook event page
The Community Garden Network's Grantwriting 101 workshop is coming back for a 3rd round due to popular demand on Wednesday April 22nd from 1-4pm. We will offer this workshop online through the Google Meet virtual meeting platform. In order to ensure that everyone who wants to participate is able to receive the link, please RSVP for this workshop no later than Monday April 20th. Participants will need access to a computer for this workshop for optimal participation, as the workshop will be utilizing visual slides. This free workshop will offer tools for beginners, and even intermediate grant writers will learn some helpful tips.
Please RSVP Here if you plan on attending or visit our Facebook event page
Ask a Sista Farmer
Every Friday, experienced Black womxn* farmers answer your call-in questions about gardening, livestock, agroforestry, plant medicine, and food preservation.
Fridays, 4:00-4:40 Eastern, March 27-May 8 and perhaps beyond
On Zoom @ or 646-876-9923 Meeting ID: 803 350 514
On Facebook Live @
Facebook Event
Your Rotating Hosts: Leah Penniman (Soul Fire Farm), Germaine Jenkins (Fresh Future Farm), Raven A. Blake (Love Fed New Haven), Keisha Cameron (High Hog Farm), Shanelle Donaldson (Percussion Farms), Naima Penniman (Soul Fire Farm and WILDSEED), Kirtrina Baxter (Soil Generation), Yemi Amu (Oko Farms)
This show centers the voices of Black, Indigenous, People-of-Color, Queer, Trans*, Disabled, Immigrant, and Poor communities. Everyone is welcome to watch and listen, but please make space for centered folks to speak.
Every Friday, experienced Black womxn* farmers answer your call-in questions about gardening, livestock, agroforestry, plant medicine, and food preservation.
Fridays, 4:00-4:40 Eastern, March 27-May 8 and perhaps beyond
On Zoom @ or 646-876-9923 Meeting ID: 803 350 514
On Facebook Live @
Facebook Event
Your Rotating Hosts: Leah Penniman (Soul Fire Farm), Germaine Jenkins (Fresh Future Farm), Raven A. Blake (Love Fed New Haven), Keisha Cameron (High Hog Farm), Shanelle Donaldson (Percussion Farms), Naima Penniman (Soul Fire Farm and WILDSEED), Kirtrina Baxter (Soil Generation), Yemi Amu (Oko Farms)
This show centers the voices of Black, Indigenous, People-of-Color, Queer, Trans*, Disabled, Immigrant, and Poor communities. Everyone is welcome to watch and listen, but please make space for centered folks to speak.